Again the referral contest is always running..
$100 to the member that gets the most active
referrals this month
New Policy, Any account "NOT
ACTIVATED" (surf 50 sites) within 72 hours from
signing up will be deleted. I'm giving away to
much to give to someone that is not going to use
the service.
be seeing alot of new options within the next
few weeks.
This TE do not approve sites that have Multi Nested
Frames. Most Paid to Promote sites have nested
frames. To many opportunities for damage with
those types of web pages. I also Do Not Allow
Frame Breakers. No TE does...
Rules are in place to do the greatest good for
this membership. No Auto Surf Bots. Your account
will be deleted. This is unfair to the members
that surf for credits.
This TE has had over 3,000 signups. It's sad
to say that more then 2,000 signups had to be
deleted.. But, with strict rules in place your
sites will be seen by active honest members.
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