If you ever stumble upon a bux site, go look at their site stats (which should be on the left side of many bux sites)
and check the users online stat:
if there are just normal numbers next to the users online stat then there is a chance that it might be a scam site
eg: super-bux.net (its gone now)
i signed up on it, the-bux.com (is online now and many say its a scam site)
note: the sites above are just
some i have either signed up on or visited.
ps: this is from my personal experience as all the buxsites that i signed up on had this feature and eventually they dont exist anymore (the sites went offline)
if you think there are any exceptions to my tip go ahead and reply.
one more thingy: nothing beats a simple google search for a site you suspect being a scam. or just go to PTCtalk right here
thanks for reading.
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